Turn and Face the Strain...
Changes are in the cards for your humble blogger...
Having been somewhat dissatisfied with my job for a while (due to a number of issues, the chief among them being the rather ridiculously high work/pay ratio), I decided to drop that business like a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
I sent a letter of resignation giving one month's notice on the 19th of July and for nearly a week received no reply, despite several follow up emails, until one of my colleagues told me that she was taking over my classes and asked me why I was leaving. Stay classy, Language Link.
The same day, finally, my supervisor called me and said that, instead of staying for the rest of the month, it would be easier to replace me at the beginning of August. Fair enough... it is a rather difficult juggling job to seamlessly replace teachers, especially for those that teach In Company.
Long story short, I'm still waiting on a second letter from the director (who seems impossible to get a hold of by other means) confirming that I can have the full month that I gave as notice to stay in my apartment as well as some questions about visa issues.
In any event, I got a job as a copy editor at the English language paper in Moscow, The Moscow Times. I've been working there for a few Sundays and think it will be something much more to my taste and skills. Also, it won't inflict the stress that traveling all day on the Moscow metro entails.
I also found a new flat, as my current abode is controlled by Language Fink Link. Its a bit nicer than my current place, and in a somewhat nicer area.
Lastly, in changing employers, it is necessary to get a new work visa, which can only be done by leaving and re-entering the country. Italy will probably be my mandatory vacation destination as I can stay with a friend there. I'm still waiting (see:above) to find out if I can stay until the 28th on my current visa or if I have to leave on the 18th.