Sunday, July 15, 2007

Scary Picture of the Day - Part 2!

So I charted the places I've been onto this Facebook application, and the picture that emerged in Europe was a little strange.

Flip it along the y=-x axis and you have a perfect sickle and hammer (minus a hammerhead).

On the other hand, I just finished reading Foucault's Pendulum a few hours ago, so maybe I am a little susceptible right now to hermetic and occult inferences.

Update: It just occurred to me that today's date on the Julian Calendar is 2/7/2007! Add the digits together and you get 18 - the only number that is twice the sum of its digits. And those digits together and you get 9 - the maximum number of cubes that are needed to sum to any positive integer! 9! The number of circles of hell and spheres of heaven! 9! The number of planes of existence according to our Norse fathers!

Is anyone else, like, totally freaked out?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

A List

Of topics that have occurred to me for blog posts that I haven't gotten around to making yet:

  • An in-depth 'from the trenches' report --- Mulletology: A Hairstyle and the Moscow Elite. (With Pictures!)
  • Why doesn't the Blogspot built-in dictionary recognize the word 'blog?'
  • The evolution of titling schemes over the centuries.
  • What I've learned after (almost) 6 months of teaching English.
  • Nostalgia Blogging: What ever happened to heads of state leading their armies into battle?
  • What Russian Women Want.
  • Why Russian Women Are Wanted.
  • Political Incorrectness and English Language textbooks.
  • Alcoholism in Russia. (NB: I really don't have anything to say about this, so it would, sadly, only be pictures of men passed out a variety of places and positions at 10 am).
  • Why the Die Hard cycle is the best thing that ever happened to movies. Ever. (NB: this isn't some counter-intuitive argument about how its badness acts as some kind of cure for the malaise that contemporary cinema finds itself in. It's about how hard Die Hard rocks.)
  • Why the Beatles really suck. (And why George Harrison was their only redeeming quality (though insufficient to counter the John-Paul axis of stupid)).
  • The peculiarities of Western art penetration into the former Soviet Union. Why are Deep Purple and O'Henry huge over here, but no one has ever heard of the Who or Melville?
Since it is doubtful that I will ever write all of these, I am soliciting requests.