Scary Picture of the Day - Part 2!
So I charted the places I've been onto this Facebook application, and the picture that emerged in Europe was a little strange.
Flip it along the y=-x axis and you have a perfect sickle and hammer (minus a hammerhead).
On the other hand, I just finished reading Foucault's Pendulum a few hours ago, so maybe I am a little susceptible right now to hermetic and occult inferences.
Update: It just occurred to me that today's date on the Julian Calendar is 2/7/2007! Add the digits together and you get 18 - the only number that is twice the sum of its digits. And those digits together and you get 9 - the maximum number of cubes that are needed to sum to any positive integer! 9! The number of circles of hell and spheres of heaven! 9! The number of planes of existence according to our Norse fathers!
Is anyone else, like, totally freaked out?